Here I introduce an easy introduction Course to VHDL divided in 6 parts :
Part-1 : Introducing VHDL. (Download Here)
- Introduction.
- Levels of representation.
- Structure of a VHDL file.
Part-2 : Modeling in VHDL. (Download Here)
- Behavioral Modeling.
- Sequential Modeling.
Part-3 : Concurrent Statements. (Download Here)
- Simple Concurrent Signal Assignments.
- Conditional Signal Assignments.
- Selected Signal Assignments.
- Structural Modeling.
- Component Declaration.
- Component Instantiation.
Part-4 : Data objects. (Download Here)
- Constants.
- Variables.
- Signals.
- Signals vs. Variables.
Part-5 : Combinational Circuit Design Example. (Download Here)
- Full Adder Circuit.
Part-6 : Sequential Circuit Design Example. (Download Here)
- Counter using JK Flip-Flops.
ALTERA VHDL Online Course
Altera made a nice presentation for learning the basics of the VHDL language in just 1.5 hours and it's for free, you need only to register and you can run the course online .
>> Objectives of the course :
- Construct complete VHDL models .
- Generate Logic functions using the VHDL .
- Create hierarchical VHDL designs.
>> Course outlines:
- VHDL introduction.
- Design units.
- Architecture modeling fundamentals.
- VHDL logic synthesis.
- Hierarchical designing.
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