Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Digital Design Lectures

Course Structure:

  • Boolean Algebra and switching functions; Minimization and realization using logic gates, ROMs (Read Only Memories), PLAs (Programmable Logic Arrays), multiplexers.
  • Circuits for code conversion; Flip-flops, registers, counters.
  • Finite state model: State tables and diagrams; State minimization; Excitation functions of memory elements.
  • Synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits; Representation and synthesis using ASM charts; Incompletely specified machines.
  • Specification and synthesis of asynchronous sequential machines.
  • Number representation: fixed and floating point; Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers.
  • Current trends in digital design: ASIC, FPGA, etc.

Lecture Slides:

  1. Introduction to Digital Design PDF Slides
  2. Number System PDF Slides
  3. Operations in Number System and Boolean Algebra PDF Slides
  4. Boolean Algebra and Theorems PDF Slides
  5. Gates, Truth Table, Min Term, MaxTerm, Canonical Form PDF Slides [[[Mano Book and Vahid Book]]]
  6.  KMap-Logic Minimization PDF Slides
  7. KMap-Logic Minimization PDFSlides
  8. KMap-Logic Minimization PDFSlides
  9. MUX and Decoder, Logic Implementation using MUX/Decoder PDF Slides
  10. Adders/BCD Adder Delays, Quine-McCluskey (QM) Logic Minimization Motivation and Examples PDF Slides
  11. QM Examples and Programming Method, Complexity PDF Slides[[[Mano Book]]]
  12. Sequential Logic Design: SR Latch PDF Slides
  13. SR Latch (Race Condition: Ensure, Stabilize, Store), D latch, Clocked Flip Flop PDF Slides
  14. Flip-Flop: Level/Edge Sensitive, Master Slave, J-K and FF Universality, Characteristic Equations PDF Slides [[[ Givone Book]]]
  15. Register (Storing State Example), Introduction to FSM PDF Slides
  16. FSM and Examples PDF Slides
  17. FSM Controller Implementation PDF Slides [[[ Vahid Book]]]
  18. FSM Controller Examples: Press button Sync, Sequence Generator, 2 bit Binary Counter, FSM Controller using Other FFs PDF Slides
  19. Counters (Binary(Sync/Async), Mod N Counter, FF Excitation Table, Counter using D/T/JK/RS FFs) PDF Slides [[[ Givone Book]]]
  20. Counter Based on Shift Regsiter PDF Slides
  21. Designing of Multi Function Register PDF Slides [[[ Vahid Book ]]]
  22. Adder (Basic Model: Ripple carry Model), Carry Analysis (Ganeration, Propagation, Kill) PDF Slides [[[ Ercegovac and Lang Book ]]]
  23. Adder Machester, Carry Skip and Carry Select PDF Slides
  24. Adder Delay Analysis: RCA, mRCA, CSkipA, CSelA and Logarithmic Adder (Carry look ahead Adder) PDF Slides [[[ Ercegovac and Lang Book ]]]
  25. Multiplication and quiz PDF Slides
  26. Multiplication PDF Slides
  27. Division PDF Slides
  28. Floating points: Represenation (float,double), Density, Operation and Accuracy (X+1=X) PDF Slides
  29. HDL Introduction PDF Slides
  30. VHDL: Syntax, Model, Test Bench and Tool (GHDL and GTKWAVE) PDF Slides
  31. VHDL: Test Bench, Package, Library, Generic/generate, (Adder, Mux, Register) PDF Slides
  32. VHDL: Model and Synthesis PDF Slides



  1. Frank Vahid, Digital Design (Preview Edition), Wiely India Edition, 2005
  2. M. Morris Mano and M. D. Ciletti, Digital Design, 4/e, Pearson Education, 2007.
  3. Donald D. Givone, Digital Principles and Design, McGraw-Hill, 2003


  1. Ercegovac and Lang, Digital Arithmatic, Morgan Kauffman, 2004
  2. R. H. Katz and G. Boriello, Contemporary Logic Design, 2/e, Prentice Hall of India, 2009.
For more details (exams, tests, assignments and quiz) you can visit the following links:

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